Well that was pretty EPIC!!
I’ve had a lot of questions about how the day went, how I’ve been feeling post-completing the Burgess Marathon and what’s next? Therefore I thought I’d answer these in a closing Burgess Marathon blog. I’m also going to share what trainers I completed the marathon in and my magnificent 7 recommendations for a successful marathon or any running venture.
My training for race week and the week after
Week 15 - race week
Tuesday - 10k
Thursday - 1k
Saturday 42.2k - Burgess Marathon
Sunday - 2k
Total - 55k
Week 16 - post-marathon running
Monday - 1k
Tuesday - 10k
Thursday - 5k
Saturday - 5k - Burgess parkrun course check
Total - 21k
My final week leading up to the Burgess Marathon was drama-free. I fueled well, increasing my carbohydrate and water intake. Sitting on both Fostering and Adoption panels on Wednesday and Thursday meant my mind was filled with positivity, I love this work and I could absorb myself in it. Confirmation on Wednesday that my friend Alice would be running the whole marathon with me was an unexpected boost. Hard things are easier with friends.
Friday night is always pizza night (a great carb) and I turned in early. I slept well waking up ‘ready’.
Race day
When we went outside it was impossibly dark in the park however the adrenaline was flowing. There was no waiting around, no queues. We walked to where we intended to start, set our Garmin watches and got to it. You can read my account by clicking here, it went perfectly.
My stats were
Distance: 42.22k
Moving time: 4hrs 11mins
Calories: 3.391
Average pace: 5min 57secs km
Average heart rate: 160 bpm
My fueling strategy of a banana or gel every 8k bananas worked perfectly. I didn’t run out of energy, I didn’t hit ‘the wall’. I felt strong throughout.
I arrived home around 1230 and had a whole carton of soup, a loaf of bread and an innocent smoothie. Then I had a 2hr bath with essential oils followed by 30mins with the massage gun.
I woke up on Sunday feeling a slight stiffness behind my knees but largely feeling great!
The store - my magnificent 7
I wanted to leave you with my magnificent 7 things which helped me complete this challenge. Remember any purchase you make using my link I will get 1% which I will add to the fundraising for Become.
Theragun massage gun - used after every training run. I never woke up with any stiffness.
Palmers Coco Butter, I’m pleased to report no blisters or missing toenails over my training or on race day. No chaffing either.
Deep Heat roll on - easy to use and meant I’ve been able to continue picking Nisha up and do daily ‘rumble and tumble’ with her.
Stance Socks - comfort for my feet.
Powerbeats Pro headphones - they sit in the ear and have a hook over the ears providing a stable ‘locked in’ snug fit for short and long runs. Perfect for audiobooks podcasts and playlists.
SiS gels - these are the gels I used. Easy to digest and didn’t turn my tummy. I didn’t run out of energy, I felt strong for the entire 42.2k.
Under Armour Elite running shoe - probably the biggest surprise of all. With over 300k already run in them, I decided nothing new on race day and they delivered!
Whats next
I’ve put the demons from my last marathon to bed. I’ve raised much needed funds for the charity Become. I hope I’ve raised the profile of the charity too. My mission has been accomplished.
My biggest goal is to keep in contact with family and friends through my website and seeing people face-to-face. I want to continue running with my running buddy, eating well and to keep attending parkruns near and far, in the UK and overseas. If there’s a parkrun near you please invite us it would be great to see more people face to face whilst getting some fresh air and stretching our legs (walking or running). You can continue to follow my running adventures by subscribing here
And I want to continue working with care experienced young people, raising their profile and helping them to be the best they can be.
The last word
I’d like to leave the last word to Kyle, a previous client of mine;
‘Become formally the Who Cares Trust, is a pivotal organisation that helps young care leavers gain vital skills but most importantly gives them the platform to effect political change.
My name is Kyle Simmons and when I was 21 I joined Become as a young person and attended their sessions on a weekly basis. I have fond memories of this charity who had great participation workers such as Emma Corbett (who is now a social worker) and other talented care leavers who have been successful in their lives.
After spending a year at Become after recognising my talent I joined the publications and training board. I then went on to train 400 social workers, make speeches to MP's and ministers, became an agony uncle for other young care experienced people and gave advice.
The skills I learned from this organisation helped me become the person I am today. I am a Chartered Manager working as an Operations Manager and a Chief Operating Officer. Anyone reading this should support this organisation as it helps to create care leavers into productive members of society, it helps change the laws for care leavers for the better and puts care leavers on the agenda in this country’.
Thank you for reading these blog posts and all the messages of support, buying things from my store and donations made. A huge thank you to everyone who came down on the day to run or supported me, it was AMAZING.
Stay safe, stay well and happy running
The Burgess Marathon
The Burgess Marathon took place on 28th September 2024. It was running the Burgess parkrun course 8.2 times with the final 5k done as the official Burgess parkrun #535 with 776 participants and 42 volunteers. You can continue to donate to my fundraising page for Become Charity here;
A huge thank you if you have already sponsored me. Please spread the link far and wide the link will remain open for several months.
Fantastic achievement and so full of positivity!